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The Big O Wiki
Meet By Chance Title Card

Cover art

Lost Memories[]


A ram-like megadeus terrorizes the city as Roger continues to be under Beck’s spell. Despite this, Roger can tell something is on the loose and continues to fight, trying to summon Big O amidst all the delirium his phantom rival is causing.


MBC1, Dorothy Finds Roger, Dastun Discusses The Client

Dastun discusses Roger’s client after the negotiator is found in an abandoned building.

The chapter begins with a flashback of Dorothy on the phone with Dastun, before heading out of the Smith Mansion. We cut to the present where Dastun is stirring his coffee whilst discussing Roger’s recent “client” with Norman, who confirms Roger said this client gave him numerous jobs. Dastun states this is impossible, as the client died in a car accident shortly after the first request he gave Roger.

We get another flashback, this time of Dorothy arriving at the decrepit building she found Roger after leaving the mansion, Dastun stating Roger was found in an abandoned house unconscious, and ponders who he was even negotiating with. Just then, he receives a call from the Military Police.

As he heads out, he leaves Norman to tend to Roger, requesting the Butler to tell him when Roger wakes up, but Norman laments he may not be of much use here. Dastun gets more panicked calls from HQ, to which he angrily asks what they want. It’s then revealed there’s a megadeus on the loose. Upon driving to the scene, Dastun is left stunned at what he sees:

MBC2, Roger Deliriously Follows The Noise Of The Ram Megadeus

Roger deliriously follows the noise of the Ram Megadeus.

A giant Ram Megadeus covered in fur is walking down the streets. It’s footsteps are loud enough that Roger, even in his delirious state, can hear them, prompting the negotiator to act. In both real life and Beck’s hallucinogenic hell, Roger lumbers his way out of the chair and onto the roof of the mansion. This concerns Norman, who tells Roger he’s in no condition to take action.

MBC3, Roger Sees Kaiju Beck

Roger sees Kaiju Beck.

Roger ignores this and, in his hallucinated prison, sees a giant kaiju-sized Beck creeping across the city in front of his mansion and smoking a cigar.

MBC4, Roger And Norman Fail Communicating Due To Beck

Beck’s influence prevents Roger and Norman from communicating effectively, as the negotiator fails to contact

Roger calls out Beck’s name in the trance realm and insults him for going on a rampage. Norman appears to hear this in real life and he tells Roger there is no Beck, but all Roger sees is Beck’s twisted, distorted version of Norman teasing that the city seems to be in danger. Roger angrily states Beck doesn’t need to tell him that, before then calling upon Big O. However, nothing happens whilst Beck’s twisted Norman cackles maniacally, Roger wondering if this is Beck’s doing. Back in the real world, Norman sees Roger doing the same thing, calling Big O with his wrist watch, but not actually wearing it in real life. This confuses Norman who repeats that there is no Beck here. However, all Roger hears is another taunt from the false Norman.

MBC5, Roger Only Sees Beck As Ram Megadeus Attacks

Roger only sees Beck as the Ram Megadeus attacks. (Note Beck’s resemblance to the Gigadeus)

Roger then hears commotion and sees that the Beck kaiju has morphed it’s shape into something similar to the Gigadeus. He now possesses three heads on long, scaly snake-like necks, the central one even having a forked tongue. In reality however, it’s just the Military Police firing Howitzers at the Ram Megadeus.

Dastun and his lieutenant Johnny are at the scene, the Major telling his men to keep firing and stop that robot. Johnny notes that the usual black megadeus isn’t showing up, but Dastun tells him to simply do his job and complain later, stating they’re the Military Police.

MBC6, Norman Can't Stop The Delirious Roger

Norman can’t stop the delirious Roger as he heads to Big O

Back to reality, Roger trudges down a staircase at the mansion, mumbling seemingly to Big O that he wishes there wasn’t such a rush going on right now. He’s followed by a continuously worried Norman, who in Beck’s world is wildly dancing around and stalking the negotiator. They arrive to the basement where Big O is held, where Roger sees everything is distorted by Beck.

The railway in front of the black megadeus is twisting and swirling around in loops, hooks and chains flailing everywhere, Big O seemingly floating in the void of darkness, the lights in the hangar bay replaced with disembodied faces with empty eyes similar to Beck are making cartoonish faces. The false Norman goofs around behind Roger as he notes there’s no way Big O can move around like this, exclaiming it in Beck’s world whilst merely mumbling the same thing in real life, where Big O, Norman, and the maintenance rails are completely undisturbed.

Roger hops into Big O’s cockpit, and they both speak in unison that they think they’re ready to move now, before then being confronted by the three heads of the kaiju Beck. Both Roger and his megadeus companion grimace and yell in unison as they struggle with Kaiju Beck’s slithery necks, almost in identical fashion to their battle against Gigadues. Big O starts tearing these heads off, only for multiple new ones to appear out of the neck and begin overwhelming the black megadeus and it’s dominus.

Norman watches Roger mumble in Big O's cockpit, as the Ram Megadeus flashbangs the Military Police

Norman watches Roger mumble in Big O’s cockpit, as the Ram Megadeus flashbangs the Military Police

Back in reality all Norman sees is Roger mumbling inside Big O’s cockpit as nothing actually happens. The butler can only quietly call out Roger’s name in concern. Meanwhile, the sheep megadeus emits a blinding bright light that bewilders the Military Police. Dastun observes the megadeus is now glowing, before then hearing it emit a ticking sound. Dastun soon recognizes this as the sound of a bomb counting down, and asks a random officer how evacuations are progressing. The officer explains they’re almost complete, but Dastun states the evacuation needs to be finished immediately. Lt. Johnny asks when this bomb will go off, to which Dastun worriedly replies he doesn’t know, before the ram then looks down at them.

MBC9, Roger Is Broken And Defeated In The Void

Roger is broken and defeated in The Void, Beck nowhere to be found.

Cutting back to Roger, his fight against phantom Beck seems hopeless. He recalls all the things Beck did to break him whilst staring blankly into The Void, which now completely surrounds his cockpit as Beck is nowhere to be seen.

MBC10, Roger Begins Returning To Lucidity

Roger regains Lucidity as someone calls out his name.

He cryptically mutters that he doesn’t understand, and doesn’t know what he doesn’t understand, as he blinks slowly.

A voice calls out to him as his blank, pupilless eyes close, and as they open back up, the voice keeps calling to him as his pupils then return.

The Void Vanishes, Once Again Due To Dorothy

The Void vanishes for good, once again seemingly due to Dorothy.

It’s Dorothy, with five bright hangar lights behind her illuminating the darkness, wearing that non-black dress he bought her in Chapter 2. Life starts returning to Roger’s eyes as The Void vanishes and he returns to lucidity.

MBC12, Roger Remembers Everything (Note The Client And Car Crash)

Roger remembers everything (Note Roger’s car crashing being depicted directly next to the Client, who was stated to have died in a car crash.

Dorothy then tells Roger the boutique called her in the morning, stating they had the color dress in stock that she wanted and asked her to pick it up. She acknowledges it wasn’t black, but asks why the dress he bought for her was a nightgown.

Roger starts remembering all the previous events, from the client’s requests to his many fights with megadeuses such as The Gravedigger, and although he didn’t know what was and wasn’t real, one thing he knew for certain was the clothes he purchased for her.

MBC13, Roger Laughs It His Purchasing Decision, Before Asking Norman The Situation

Roger laughs at his purchasing decision, before asking Norman the current situation.

He slaps his palm on his forehead and bursts out laughing, not answering Dorothy’s question and simply saying he’s glad she liked the outfit. This return to coherence pleases Norman, as Roger then pulls out his watch (which was on the opposite wrist to the one he tried using earlier) and asks the butler what the current situation is. Roger thanks Dorothy in poetic fashion, stating she awoke him from his sleep, yet never sleeps herself.

Dorothy ignores this and asks again why he picked a nightgown for her. Roger then states that theoretically, the rules about only black being worn at the mansion doesn’t necessarily have to apply to night-time, though he admits the moronic irony of giving a nightgown to an android.

We cut back to Dastun, frustratedly asking what to do with the Ram Megadeus, only to then hear rumbling from underground. The following text then appears as Big O rises from the ground:


Roger and Dorothy are at the controls, with the negotiator jubilantly proclaiming it’s showtime.

MBC15, Roger And Big O Are Back In Action

Roger and Big O return to action.

The End.


  • Megadeus: Ram Megadeus, Kaiju Beck (hallucination), Big O, the Gravedigger (flashback), Unnamed Megadeus (flashback)
  • As usual, many things go unnamed in this chapter, in this case the Ram Megadeus.
  • According to Dastun, Roger’s client (which has still never been named) died shortly after his first request from Roger, which was to clear out Soldano’s Factory. It’s unknown what Beck’s ghost had to do with his death by car accident, nor if Beck found the man through his familiarity with Soldano.
  • In an odd coincidence, Beck crashed Roger’s car in Chapter 3 during the initial onslaught of hallucinations he used to mentally break the negotiator. This is even referenced in Roger’s flashbacks as he returned to lucidity, where we not only see the image of The Griffon crashing into a street lamp, but see the client’s face directly next to it, which may imply Beck was indeed the supernatural cause of the original client’s death.
  • Because the first job Roger received from the client was genuine, it’s safe to assume Roger wasn’t entering the abandoned house he would later be found in and actually was in an office building, where he would indeed be interacting with his actual coworkers. It’s unknown at what point he was gaslit into entering the abandoned house and for what purpose.
  • The fact the Ram Megadeus is a walking bomb is similar to Eumenides from Episode 10 of the anime, Winter Night Phantom.
  • Unlike in chapter 3, where Beck’s grip over Roger was so absolute that no sensory stimulus from the outside world could be perceived from the outside world, Roger is now able to hear the footsteps of the Ram Megadeus and physically move around his house whilst under Beck’s spell.
  • Combined with the fact he eventually breaks free of this spell and Beck doesn’t use a myriad of hallucinations for his revenge on Angel (who effectively left him to die with the Gigadeus) in Chapter 21 of the manga, implies he may have been running out of “power” to perpetuate these delusions.
  • This might be the second time Dorothy broke Roger out of Beck’s spell, this time for good as Roger never experiences his rival’s hallucinations again after this. However, the blinding light that followed Dorothy the first time she freed him in Chapter 3 was now being generated by 5 lights, presumable ones mounted to the hangar room Big O is kept in. Combined with the possibility Beck might have ran out of “power” to continue the hallucinations and the fact Roger seemed truly broken and defeated in the end, and it’s uncertain if she had anything to do with breaking Roger free this time.
  • Norman seems to be aware, at least to some degree, of Beck no longer being alive, or at least not knowing of there being anyone by the name of “Beck” in the mansion taunting Roger.
  • Kaiju Beck being capable of spawning multiple new heads after one head being decapitated might be a reference to the mythical hydra from Greek mythology, though in this case numerous heads grew out the decapitated necks of Kaiju Beck whilst in the original myth only two new heads emerged from Hydra.
  • When Roger emerges from Beck’s spell, he’s depicted with irises and pupils before his eyes return to their usual jet-black appearance, which also applied to all other characters in the Manga and Anime continuities besides Dorothy and Angel from said Manga, and Francis’ mother Mary from Beck Comes Back (who looks near identical to Angel, sharing the same blue eyes as the latter is depicted in the Manga) Dorothy also appears with detailed eyes near identical to her manga counterpart after being effectively lobotomized in Episode 24 of the anime, The Big Fight.

